November 3, 2015

Painting Upholstered Chair.

Let's talk about another one of my projects, I know it has been a while :( Back in the Spring I got this granny chair for free, it was meant to be used for our church's Mother's Day photo prop. I know what you are thinking about that floral pattern... But it worked out perfectly because the theme was flowers. 

I decided to hang on to this "beauty" and see what I could do to it in the future. Yes, the thought of reupholstering it did cross my mind, but I didn't want to take on a such a big project just yet, so the poor chair just sat in the corner of my room waiting for its second life.

Let's forward seven months.. my Baby Shower was coming up (Lana thank you for being an awesome hostess). I needed to come up with a backdrop/photobooth area. That's when I decided to just simply paint my granny chair just like I did before with Aly's little rocker (which by the way turned out so nice and soft) 

I knew that my chair had much thicker fabric so it meant that the final feel of the chair wasn't going to be as soft as Aly's rocker.

The photo above is to show how it looks with first layer of paint.  It took me about 7 thin coats to finally achieve the look that I was going for. I gave it a good sand in between few coats. Because if I didn't, this what it would look like.

And here's it is finally painted still in my kitchen. After this photo the cushion got another coat of paint. 
Final step was to paint legs of the chair, I gave them very light sand, 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of Sherwin William creamy white paint (my own mix)

Here it is all ready for the party!

And of course lets squeeze a photo of so pregnant looking, only 28 weeks me.

Let's do final before and after 

Thanks for visiting!