March 26, 2015

Ikea Hack: KNUFF Magazine plywood file stained

This one is a quick project unless you trying to stain 12 of them :)
My brother in-law is a chiropractor and has a second office that needs some help in organization department. I came accross these KNUFF Magazine plywood files, perfect for his office filing system.

First I tried staining bottom of the file just to test the color. It turned out to be exactly what I was looking for.
Even though it's plywood you can still see beautiful pattern of the wood.

Enjoy before and after

March 25, 2015

Vanity table: organized drawer

As a girl who loves makeup and everything that has to do with it, sadly, I did not have a proper organized system for my things. They all just lived in a bathroom drawer by the mirror. I wanted a vanity table but did not want to spend big on a new one. Lucky for me I found this one for $30 on Craigslist
 and when hubby went to pick it up lady threw in a vanity chair for free (one of the legs was detached, but it was no problem to me, easy fix with little wood glue) I was planning to paint vanity white and reupholster the chair anyway. 
This vanity was made back in early 90's and was well built. It had one big drawer perfect for my things. But I didn't want my makeup to be scattered all over the drawer. I went online to look for ideas and came across this girl on YouTube who had the perfect tutorial (I will attach link later,  as I am not trying to take credit for the idea)
Inside of the drawer was left unpainted because I've planned to cover it anyways.
At a dollar store they sell foam sheets, I got 2 of them. After measuring my drawer I cut foam to desired pieces.
Also while I was at the dollar store I visited home department aisle and found this roll of drawer liners (sticky vinyl) Wrapped each cut out and ta-da!
If I ever get tired of this color I can just disassemble it and wrap it in a different color vinyl (or fabric) To get middle peaches stay in place I secured them with hot glue.

Enjoy final results!

Here's before and after:

Stay tuned for my Vanity Deks Makeover Post.

March 17, 2015

Ikea hack: Toddler Bed

The other night when everyone was a sleep I was bored, and decided to sketch (excuse my poor art below) a bed for Alyonushka. I saw someone on Pinterest who had done something similar and figured if they can do it I can defiantly (make my hubby help me) do it. 

Here's a before photo from IKEA's website. I do not like the look of those legs.

I think my project is different and unique than the others I saw because my bed not only upholstered but it is painted. I wanted my bed's legs to be different as well.  So I found this footstool on Craigslist (photo from craigslist) 
We chopped off legs.
In time will reupholster this ottoman and place it in Alyonushka's room in the reading corner.
I originally had a regular mattress from crib and didn't feel like I needed to purchase new one. Here's where hubby comes in with his saw, we measured our mattress size and the bed and just chopped off same amount on each size, old legs got chopped off too.
Next I needed to trace my desirable design for headboard.
Hubby did pretty good job trimming this peace.
I had some foam leftovers from before and didn't need to buy new foam. Below you can  see how I constructed this Frankenstein :)
I used bread knife to cut foam (I know, not the best tool out there) 
Next I stapeled 2 layers of batting.
And I wasn't gonna use some fancy fabric because I would be painting this whole thing pink. That's right, you heard me :) I did this before for my master bedroom's headboard and it looks awesome!  We screwed headboard to IKEA's existing headboard so it would be one nice solid peace.
I wanted to have effect of a tufted headboard but didn't want to buy buttons. I tried tracing position for buttons in the front, but for some reason measurments were wrong, so I flipped board and it all came out perfect.  Hubby predrilled holes so I could go with my upholstering neadle and an upholstery thread (I had those already)
 And to make the thread stay I tied it to little pieces of fabric that have been rolled. 

 This is what it came out looking on the back.

I had some pink fabric to cover the back (even though it'll be in hidden I still want it to look pretty)
Sadly, I didn't take photos of how we screwed legs to the frame, but it was three screws from an angle and one on top. (For wood not to crack hubby predrilled holes for screws)  It is nice and sturdy, and can hold my weight as well. 
Here's Alyonushka just testing out the bed, you can see here tufted effect on the headboard. 

Next was to upholster the whole frame of the bed, I had fleece fabric, that was 1st layer and then added 2 layers of bating. 
And last, went on my (another shade of weird) fabric.

(Testing out paint)

Here you can see how the bed looks with 2 coats of paint (I like this pink color got it from lowes in oops paint for $2.50 per quart)
Last thing what I did was adding furniture wax and rub all over the painted areas, once it dried I buffed it with cotton cloth and now it has affect of a pink lather effect rather than fabric.
I'm glad my sketch could finally come a live :) 
I'm thinking to paint legs white but left them like this for now.
Areas where I had tufted effect I glued sparkly buttons. And here's bed finally in her room, she loves it! So do I :) 

Just for fun here's couple other angles.

Let's breakdown total cost:
Bed frame - $20 (Craigslist)
Legs - $15 (Craigslist)
Staples - $5
Paint - $2.50
Screws - $3
Total Cost: $45.50 

This was fun project and good practice for next bed for Aly. 

Stay tuned for more changes in Aly's room I will be bringing newly repainted dresser, book shelf and adding diy canvas paintings as a mural to the back wall. We decided to go with a princes theme.

I hope you enjoyed this post!

March 1, 2015

Project Master Bedroom: Lamps

This was one of my other freebies. Originaly lamp had a nice shape to it, but I'm not into that ruffle looking lampshade and that color combo. And it happens that my hubby needed a lamp for his night stand.
First what I did was scrubbed it with wet rag really well, then spray it with primer (I had 2 other lamps as well, I like to do things few at a time) 

I didn't want to buy new lampshade just ripped off the ruffle thing and covered it with fabric.

Because it was a cone sort of shape I couldn't just wrap tightly and glue the fabric because of the pattern so then I decided with help of pins to have a soft "ruffle"
Where I had pin I used hot gun to glue fabric in place. Base of the lamp was spray painted yellow. 
When the lights on, lamp has a perfect soft light coming through. I love how it turned out.

Here's before and after side by side.
